Elite Bulkhead Construction Delivers the highest level of service found on Lake Houston or any of the surrounding lakes and rivers! Elite Quality Design and Construction separate us from our competitors! Keep your Valuable shoreline from being ruined by erosion and Increase the value of your property as well as the overall appearance! Start Enjoying your Waterfront TODAY! We offer Bulkhead Construction at Lake Houston as well as Conroe , Livingston, League City, Galveston and all the surrounding lakes and rivers!!!!!
Know What Your Getting because Not all Bulkheads are created Equal ! Ask yourself some of these key questions before hiring a contractor for your next bulkhead construction project!!
- Does your contractor use Deadmen?
- What do they consist of and how are they installed?
- Are the Deadmen secured with Cables? Rebar?? or Treated Solid Rods with Threaded ends?
- What type and size of hardware is being used?
- Is the hardware all galvanized or treated?
- What type and size are the materials being used?
- What is the "Pcf" Rating of the Pressure Treating?
- How deep are the Pilings being driven?
- Are the specifications of the wall sealed by an engineer?
Every Elite Bulkhead Construction has these following Advantages...
- Specially Treated lumber that is specifically designed for water contact. freshwater pressure treatment of .60 pcf and a Saltwater pressure treatment of 2.5 pcf.
- Deadmen are driven in & secured with galvanized material on every installation.
- Galvanized solid Tie-rods w/ threaded ends for nuts & Bolts.(size depends on application)
- Countersunk Galvanized Lags are used on Top Cap and Face caps instead of nails or spikes. This is far superior for strength and longevity to help prevent warpage.
- Full 2"X12" Rough Cut Top Cap for Nice Durable finished product that will not Warp, break off or get pulled up from rough waves.... Face Caps are available as well if desired.
- Wales are secured with Countersunk galvanized lags at all corners of walls! Not just spikes like our competitors
- Every job is left Graded out beautifully and ready to landscape.
- Jobs sites, driveways and streets are kept Clean throughout project!
Other Key Bulkhead Construction Advantages that Elite Offers over our competitors !!
- Complete packages from start to finish. Including Project consulting, plans and Permits!
- Demolition, Import, Hauling, Tree Removal, other landscaping, including Sod Installation are all Available!
- Custom Woodworking and design applications!
- Available Customization's to your wall with upgrades like stainless fasteners, lighting and much more!!



Bank Prep!!

Wall Construction

Filter Fabric Installed

Tie Rods


Backfill and Final Grade!!

Backfill and Final Grade!!