Elite Excavation is Highly Qualified with over 20 Years of Experience to handle any type of Excavation Trenching or compaction project you may have!!
We Specialize in all sorts of excavation and Trenching projects including Utility Trenches for Water, Irrigation, Electrical, Gas, Storm Drains and sewer systems. This includes commercial and residential excavation and Trenching for new installation or repair of old existing lines. Sewer lines often require repair for lines that have been improperly installed & back filled with flat spots or "Bellys" in them. It is Important to dig properly to grade and not over dig because without proper compaction under your pipe, your sewer system will eventually back up or reveal damage later on after installation.
Elite Excavation specializes in super clean, very efficient Trenching of Footings or grade beams for foundations and Block walls. Bucket widths of 12",18", 24" and 30" are always carried with the equipment for use. Of course, any size or width trench may be achieved if desired by customer, or required by design.
With a Trench Safety Awareness Certification for 2011 and not a single injury since our conception in 1997, you can rest assured that your trenching will be Clean, Efficient and excavated Safely for you and your employees to enter!!
Utility Trenching!!

Fire Water Service line Excavation!!

The area was back filled and graded after the lines were installed, pressure tested and inspected.

Re-Trenching Excavation!!