In the Greater Houston Area There is an abundant need for Culvert installation and proper drainage. Without adequate water mitigation it leads to flooding and Mosquito Explosions which can cause havoc within our community and to our property.
Whether your project consists of a driveway for a new home, culvert installation and enclosing the ditch in front of your home for more usable space, water mitigation into a pond or to simply eliminate a drainage problem on your property, Elite Excavation can Help!!

Beware of shady, Cheap contractors who dont know what they are doing!! I cant tell you how many times I have to rip out recently installed culverts. Then replace them with the correct type or Size material because another contractor installed it incorrectly or not to code. There is nothing worse than having to pay for something twice!
Correct Depth and Size are extremely important. As well as, using Stabilized Sand to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your Culvert installation.
I use a Laser to set the correct height to your new culvert and ensure proper drainage.
In Addition, I use a Mini-Excavator and bobcat combo package that gives me a distinct advantage over other contractors. Most use bobcats that cant effectively excavate the ditch out..... This allows me to excavate a nice ditch for the new pipe. Next, Set the pipes with the Mini excavator which leads to an extremely efficient install. This allows the process to take very little time and gives the site access back fast.
Installing culvert pipes and back filling ditches can be a GREAT way to provide your property with more Curb Appeal while creating more space. Back filling the ditch in front of your house gives you flat usable lawn all the way to the curb or street. It makes the yard nice and flat so you can mow it easier!! No more mowing the ditch with a weed eater!
Proper drainage also helps with MOSQUITOES!
Call Today for Your Free Estimate!!
Culvert installation !!

Drainage Swales!!